If you wish to make a transition from your natural hair that is damaged and you are fed up of daily styling routines, lace wigs are perfect. These are not like traditional wigs which don’t allow scalp some breathing and thus promote breakage. These wigs in fact protect hair from all weather conditions as well as heat styling. They actually cover natural hair with breathable thin layered lace.
Whats So Good About These New Lace Wigs
Traditional wigs used to have a thick caps with no scope of breathing and thus suffocated natural hair. It is extremely important for hair to breathe. Moreover, clean scalp supports hair growth and traditional wigs because of thick caps promoted sweating leading to dirt. If you are wearing one of these modern wigs, you are exposing your scalp to fresh air even while it is there on your head.
They do not damage hair by tearing away at edges of hair. Traditional lace wigs use elastic & low quality fabric that rubs against edges of hairline promoting dirt-buildup on skin and also breaking hair. People who frequently treat hair using color or other harmful chemicals face hair breakage more often.
They uses soft, delicate cap that has to be applied using special tape/ glue that does not harm hair at all. Some people believe that the glue harms but that’s not true. Yanking lace that has been attached using glue would damage your hair but removing properly using solvent/ remover to weaken bond does not cause any harm.
These new wigs not only protects not only scalp & hairline but complete hair that gets covered. If you are using only lace fronts, then majority of your hair is still exposed to harsh weather conditions/ wind/ sun/ and heat-styling.
They offer protective style to women. You can braid your natural hair underneath full lace wig. If you wish to cut your hair and begin again from scratch then full lace wig is one of the best options to be considered. Other types may need additional extension or hairs need to be worn-out.
Another advantage offered by full lace wig is styling options and capabilities. You can remove them any time allowing washing / conditioning your hair as often as you like. Hair must be conditioned regularly if you want to have healthy and long hair.
Full lace wig offers many styling options which are limited if you are using traditional wigs.
You need to buy many wigs, if you go for traditional wigs to style differently or either you can settle on any versatile style. Even with lace front wigs, there are many styles that can be done but not ponytails/ up-do’s.
Most versatile styling and least detectable is full lace wigs as no blending issue is there. You may opt for lace front Indian Remy human hair as it is most versatile.
Militaru Larisa
18 mai 2022Vai cât de taree 🥰 de multe ori mă bătea gândul și pe mine să-mi iau una🙈
18 mai 2022It looks great, I’d love one!!!!
Ioana S. Pavel
18 mai 2022Și eu îmi doresc de mult timp o perucă, dar chiar nu știu ce model să aleg.
Oana Durican
18 mai 2022Amazing! It looks like real hair!
UniquebyMM M
18 mai 2022Inedite și super atractive aceste peruci! Mi-ar plăcea să încerc câteva variante!
Mulțumesc pentru recomandare!
18 mai 2022Woow, ce faine par aceste peruci! Mi-ar placea sa am una asa frumoasa.
19 mai 2022I would like to have such a beautiful wig.
18 mai 2022One day I will buy one and wear it for parties.
19 mai 2022As incerca si eu una, asta arata chiar foarte bine.
19 mai 2022I don’t know much about wigs, but it seems that they’ve come a long way over the years!
19 mai 2022Am si eu2, una e o peruca care e destul de naturala, din pacate nu prea am unde le purta insa imi place sa le am in casa
20 mai 2022Such an amazing quality wig. My fiance always jokes that I leave so much hair around that I should just wear wigs haha x
Natasha Mairs - Serenity You
20 mai 2022That wig looks really fab. I would have never even guessed it was a wig. Looks really good on you
20 mai 2022I love that these won’t damage your actual hair and they look so beautiful!
Ramona Gheorghe
21 mai 2022Eu am 2 peruci, dar parca mi-as mai lua una. Nu stiu de ce am facut o pasiune pentru ele
Yeah Lifestyle
22 mai 2022Such a lovely looking wig, it is great that they offer a delicate cap and that the wig application process does not harm hair