The essential things for the baby

Are you going to have a new baby in the house?

Are you going to be the mom of a cute adorable baby?

Will he be coming this week and you have no idea if you are prepared for it? If you need some help please read this article very carefully.

Having a baby represents a special moment for any family and should trigger a „let’s become more responsable” moment.


Before you go to the hospital to get birth, it is wise to buy a special „new born baby kit” that contains the following articles for the newborn.


There are the things you need prepare!

For the baby:



– two  bottles of milk;

-special baby soap;

– a towel

– baby clothes: body, pants, t-shirt

– the baby’s costume used on your way home;


The fresh mother should have the following:

– Identity card

– medical tests took throughout pregnancy

-hygienic paper


-breast pads

-hand disinfectant gel

-breast feeding:milking pump


-toothbrush and toothpaste


-hair brush

-nightgown or pajamas with buttons in front;


The whole bag needs to be ready about 2 weeks before the baby’s arrival. Please do exclude the milk from that 🙂

It is very important that the above things are ok quality wise.

And now it is time  for…

Tips and tricks

– first you need to wash the baby’s clothes with a bio detergent  or hypoallergenic because the baby skin is extremely sensitive

– you need to prepair the baby’s room in advance; a month will probably

-pick special furniture for the baby room with  a changing pad. This is going to erase your work and the little baby will be very comfortable .Beside a changing pad you will need some changing cover.

-before the newborn’s arrival we need to take into account some essential aspects related to the newborn’s room, the way this is setup and especially about the room’s usefullness.

-during the first days it is recommended to have a baby basket so that you can keep the new family member as close to your bed as possible; this way the nightly wake-ups will not be so disturbing.

– the baby’s room needs to have fresh air and needs to be very well lighted.

– don’t position the baby’s bed next to a window or a door.

– don’t add/keep useless furniture inside the baby’s room

– don’t keep the bed next to power outlets or other wires

„…until you have a baby you don’t even realize how much you were missing one „

Jodi Piccoult

More about Georgiana Albu

Din dorinta de-a pastra undeva gandurile bune sau mai putin ajuns la aceasta etapa.Uneori scriu depre ce-mi place , dar uneori sunt critica si spun "verde-n fata"!


  1. Răspunde

    Ce lista faine! Chiar ai luat in considerare toate lucrurile necesare!

  2. Răspunde

    pentru viitoarele mamici este ceva necesar de stiut si luat in considerare!

  3. Răspunde

    These are the essentials, but who can stop there? You want to buy and have all the things in the world for your baby.

    1. Răspunde

      Yes, indead!

  4. Răspunde

    Foarte multe detalii pe care trebuie sa le stie orice mamica si viitoare mamica.

  5. Răspunde

    Un articol foarte frumos si util pentru tinerele mame care nu stiu inca ce le asteapta.

  6. Răspunde

    There are so many things that a newborn needs, but as I can see this site has it all 😉

  7. Răspunde

    La cat de nerabdatoare sunt eu, am avut bagajul pentru sorumea gata de la 7 luni! Bine ca a nascut la termen si am mai spalat odata hainele :)))

  8. Răspunde

    Foarte multe sfaturi si momente unice in asteptarea unui bebe. Abia astept sa trec si eu printr-o astfel de experienta.

  9. Răspunde

    Degeaba ma tentezi ca nu mai fac alt copil :))

  10. Răspunde

    Multumim de articol, chiar este unul foarte util.

  11. Răspunde

    It is a real issue for the young mothers to not be prepared for the baby. I think that every mother should start some training courses or at least take some advises from experienced mothers. Good post by the way!

  12. Răspunde

    Eu sunt la varsta la care astept nepotei. Un articol foarte util si pentru mine, ca viitoare bunica.

    1. Răspunde

      Hee..ce frumos!

  13. Răspunde

    Pentru viitoare mamaici, aceasta lista este chiar utila

  14. Răspunde

    This is a very good list, for the new mothers.

  15. Răspunde

    Se noteaza pentru viitor, poate imi vin idei 😀

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