How to pick the best quality Hair Extensions

Looking for the best quality hair extensions? You have come to the right page.

Human Hair Extensions Online supplies the highest quality human hair to salons all over Australia.

We offer the widest range of tape extensions in Australia, with lengths like 16 inch, 18 inch, 20 inch, 22 inch, and 26 inch. We also offer them in 28 different hues that can excite your stylish appetite.

Choosing the best quality hair extensions can be quite a tough task especially when you are new to the industry and unfamiliar with all the hair types. There a lot of factors that you need to put into consideration. Hair extensions should be applied discreetly thus; it should blend and matched well to your hair to make it seem undetectable.

There is Brazilian, Asian, Indian, European and Russian hair. They differ in texture, thickness and patterns.

So picking out hair extensions should be the closest to your hair type otherwise it would look totally out of place

With a lot of hair extensions out in the market today one could really get confused as to what to look for when buying extensions. If you buy your extensions at a cheap price it is more likely to be made from a low quality hair whereas the best quality hair extensions are usually more expensive. Although there may be cases like Asian or Indian Remy hair can be sold as European or Russian hair just so they can scam a few hundreds of dollars.

Real Russian or European hairs are usually priced from $800 to a thousand dollars because the supply of this hair type is quite limited. They are also believed to be favoured by most Caucasian women because it closely matches their hair type which is light in terms of density.

Whatever your hair type is, it is important to remember that the best hair extensions from Hair Distributors are all made from 100% Remy human hair. And if you can get the unprocessed or virgin hair then that hair would even be stronger and would certainly last longer than processed ones.

All Remy human hairs are good but you have to match your own hair texture and density to make it blend naturally to your own hair. After you have found your hair match you can then choose the best method for you. Whether it’s tape or skin weft it’s entirely up to you.

More about Georgiana Albu

Din dorinta de-a pastra undeva gandurile bune sau mai putin ajuns la aceasta etapa.Uneori scriu depre ce-mi place , dar uneori sunt critica si spun "verde-n fata"!


  1. Răspunde

    Mie imi plac extensiile foarte nult. Dau volum parului iar coafurile pe extensii ies foarte frumoase

  2. Răspunde

    Nu am purtat extensii niciodată dar mi-ar placea sa vad cum e.

  3. Răspunde

    Nu am purtat extensii. Nu ma atrag. Cred ca sunt pretențioase. Dar sfaturile tale sunt bine venite

  4. Răspunde

    Cred că nu mai este cazul să mă gândesc la extensii, deoarece nu m-ar avantaja. Totuși, cine știe?Știi cum e: niciodată să n spui niciodată”! 🙂

  5. Răspunde

    Imi plac extensiile si mi-ar placea sa incerc si eu. Sunt curioasa cum mi-ar sta si cred ca am nevoie si de ceva consiliere

  6. Răspunde

    Eu as incerca niste extensii. Ar fi o modalitate buna sa imi schimb look-ul.

  7. Răspunde

    Eu chiar imi doresc niste extensii. Mai ales acum cand imi cade parul intr-o fericire, niste extensii mi-ar fi de un real ajutor

  8. Răspunde

    Chiar as vrea sa-mi iau niste extensii. As putea sa-mi schimb mai des look-ul.

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